Because of the PS5 crisis: Sony is finally putting its master plan into action

Update from November 10, 2021:
The PS5 crisis is still critical a year after its release. Sony wants to do something about it and is now building its own factory in Japan together with TSMC.
PS5: Production may be faster from 2024
Even a year after the PlayStation 5 was released, it is almost impossible to get hold of a console. To counteract the shortage, the companies TSMC and Sony are teaming up. On behalf of the subsidiary Japan Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing, Inc. (JASM) founded by the two A chip factory is now being built. Construction is expected to begin in early 2022 and should be completed by 2024.
The factory should be designed for the production of small chips, microcontrollers and sensors, which are intended for many areas of application – including for the PlayStation 5.
A crisis is also looming at Switch. More about this in our headlines:
Original article from October 13, 2021:
Many PlayStation fans will still be waiting for the PS5. The current hardware crisis means that important components are in short supply. Sony now wants to do something about it itself and is apparently planning to set up its own factory.
Sony is probably planning its own factory
The company needs certain microprocessor chips to manufacture the latest Sony console. Due to trade restrictions between the USA and China and the corona pandemic, a delivery bottleneck developed for game consoles, which could drag on for a while. To counteract Sony is probably planning to manufacture its own chips.
Sony and TSMC are considering building a plant in Kumamoto, Japan, according to Reuters news agency. There should be Products are manufactured where there is a lot of catching up to do. An official statement from both parties is still missing, but reports indicate that the Japanese government will take over part of the investment of around 7 billion euros.
Building a factory out of the ground can take a while, even in Japan. One Completion is planned for 2024, that is, Sony will not be able to counteract the delivery bottlenecks that quickly. Nevertheless, the manufacture of other products could be easier and faster in the future.
(Source: Reuters)
We summarize the most important news of the week in the gaming and technology world for you in the GIGA headlines:
Toshiba warns of continuing shortages
The Japanese company Toshiba is one of the largest manufacturers of electronic devices. Toshiba produces among others High-performance chips that are also built into consoles.
An employee recently told Bloomberg that “the supply of chips will remain very scarce until at least September next year” and that “some customers cannot be fully supplied by 2023“.
(Source: Bloomberg)
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