Corona Warn App: add third vaccination (booster)
For many Germans, the third corona vaccination is due for autumn and winter 2021. The makers of the Corona warning app now also provide the option of adding the booster vaccination to the digital vaccination record of the Corona app.
The booster vaccination, also known as the “booster” vaccination, can be added to the app just like the previous corona vaccinations. The app was prepared for the third vaccination with an update at the beginning of September. If you want to expand your digital vaccination certificate, you should have the current version of the app installed on your Android smartphone or iPhone.
Save the booster vaccination in the digital vaccination record of the Corona warning app
In order to add the third vaccination to the Corona Warning app, you will need another one as before QR code that you can find in participating pharmacies receive.
You can find pharmacies near you that provide the QR code for the digital vaccination certificate on the pharmacy search page. You need one Proof of the third vaccination, for example in the form of the yellow vaccination certificate on paper. The proof must also contain the previous corona vaccinations. In addition, you have to show a photo ID, such as an identity card.
Add boosters in the CWA
If you show the mentioned documents in the pharmacy, you will receive it a scrap of paper with a QR code. You can now scan this with the Corona warning app. Unlike in the past, work is done for you. There is no need to go to a submenu to create the digital vaccination certificate in the Corona warning app. Instead, you just open the app. Then press that blue and white “scan” icon in the lower center of the screen.
The smartphone camera is activated. Scans the code from the scrap of paper from the pharmacy. The Corona warning app automatically recognizes that it is the code for the booster vaccination and saves the refreshment accordingly for the digital vaccination certificate.
Scanning doesn’t work? Then you should investigate the following:
Make sure you are scanning the correct QR code. You may be using the wrong code, which is printed on the vaccination invitation, for example. You have to get a QR code for the third vaccination. Investigates whether there are any errors in the smartphone camera. Restarts the smartphone and tries again. Also ensures that the code is clearly visible and not obscured. If necessary, removes a cell phone case that may have been placed over the smartphone camera. Perhaps the Corona warning app is not working properly for you? Reinstall or update the app and try again to add the digital vaccination certificate. Alternatively, you can digitally save the booster vaccination in the CovPass app.
So far, a booster vaccination has been recommended primarily for the elderly and risk groups. The third vaccination is available but available to almost everyoneas long as the last vaccination at least six months is ago. At the status “fully vaccinated“Does not change despite the booster vaccination. The two vaccine doses (or one dose at Johnson & Johnson) still apply, for example, to gain access to public events and places.