
GTA 3: All cheats for the Nintendo Switch

With the release of the GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition, you can play GTA 3 on the Nintendo Switch for the first time. At this point we will show you how you can enter and deactivate cheats on the switch and show you all the cheat codes with their key combinations and effects.

Enter & deactivate cheats (Nintendo Switch)

In GTA 3 you can enter cheats and in the Switch version you simply have to enter the corresponding key combinations from the lists below in the current game. While you are in the pause or main menu, the cheat entry does not work. A message at the top left of the screen confirms that you have entered the cheat successfully.

Important NOTE: Since the effects of some cheats cannot be undone, you should save your game status before using cheats. If you want to save your game with activated cheats, you should definitely use a separate memory slot.

How can you deactivate cheats? In GTA 3 you can usually deactivate cheats by entering the appropriate key combination again. However, once activated, two cheats cannot be undone for passers-by! It is all the more important that you save your game before using the cheats.

In the following we leave you all cheat codes for the switch version with their keyboard shortcuts and effects.

Cheats for weapons, money, wanted level etc.

Keyboard shortcut

Full life energy ZR β†’ ZR β†’ L β†’ R β†’ left β†’ down β†’ right β†’ up β†’ left β†’ down β†’ right β†’ up Full armor ZR β†’ ZR β†’ L β†’ ZL β†’ left β†’ down β†’ right β†’ up β†’ left β†’ down β†’ right β†’ up Get $ 250,000 ZR β†’ ZR β†’ L β†’ L β†’ Left β†’ Down β†’ Right β†’ Up β†’ Left β†’ Down β†’ Right β†’ Up All Weapons (Entering again gives you more ammunition for the weapons) ZR β†’ ZR β†’ L β†’ ZR β†’ Left β†’ Down β†’ Right β†’ Up β†’ Left β†’ Down β†’ Right β†’ Up Increase wanted level by 2 stars ZR β†’ ZR β†’ L β†’ ZR β†’ Left β†’ Right β†’ Left β†’ Right β†’ Left β†’ Right Reduce wanted level to 0 stars ZR β†’ ZR β†’ L β†’ ZR β†’ Above β†’ Down β†’ Up β†’ Down β†’ Up β†’ Down Change character appearance (random NPC) Right β†’ Down β†’ Left β†’ Up β†’ L β†’ ZL β†’ Up β†’ Left β†’ Down β†’ Right Heads & extremities can be detached (this cheat has no confirmation message) Y β†’ L β†’ A β†’ Down β†’ L β†’ R β†’ X β†’ Right β†’ L β†’ B Your character and all passers-by have huge heads Up β†’ Up β†’ Down β†’ Down β†’ Left β†’ Right β†’ L inks β†’ right β†’ A β†’ B

Cheats for cars & tanks

Keyboard shortcut

Tanks (Rhino) spawn A β†’ A β†’ A β†’ A β†’ A β†’ A β†’ R β†’ ZL β†’ L β†’ X β†’ A β†’ X All vehicles in the area eBplode ZL β†’ ZR β†’ L β†’ R β†’ ZL β†’ ZR β†’ X β†’ Y β†’ A β†’ X β†’ ZL β†’ L All vehicles become invisible (only the driver and tires remain visible) L β†’ L β†’ Y β†’ ZR β†’ X β†’ L β†’ X All vehicles can hover (behave somewhat like the Dodo aircraft) Right β†’ ZR β†’ A β†’ R β†’ ZL β†’ Down β†’ L β†’ R Improved driving behavior (more precise steering, no slipping and no loss of traction) & by honking your vehicle jumps R β†’ L β†’ ZR β†’ L β†’ Left β†’ R β†’ R β†’ X

Cheats for passers-by

Keyboard shortcut

Passers-by attack the person in the immediate vicinity * Below β†’ Above β†’ Left β†’ Above β†’ B β†’ R β†’ ZR β†’ ZL β†’ L All passers-by attack you * Below β†’ Above β†’ Left β†’ Above β†’ B β†’ R β†’ ZR β†’ L β†’ ZL All Passers-by receive weapons ZR β†’ R β†’ X β†’ B β†’ ZL β†’ L β†’ Above β†’ Below

Important NOTE: Passers-by cheats with the * symbol cannot be undone. Do not save the game with such cheats!

Cheats for the weather

Keyboard shortcut

Clear & sunny L β†’ ZL β†’ R β†’ ZR β†’ ZR β†’ R β†’ ZL β†’ X Cloudy L β†’ ZL β†’ R β†’ ZR β†’ ZR β†’ R β†’ ZL β†’ Y Rain L β†’ ZL β†’ R β†’ ZR β†’ ZR β†’ R β†’ ZL β†’ A Foggy L β†’ ZL β†’ R β†’ ZR β†’ ZR β†’ R β†’ ZL β†’ B

Cheats for time change

Keyboard shortcut

Increases the game speed (time lapse) X β†’ Up β†’ Right β†’ Down β†’ Y β†’ L β†’ ZL Slows down the game speed (slow motion) X β†’ Up β†’ Right β†’ Down β†’ Y β†’ R β†’ ZR Accelerates the game time A β†’ A β†’ A β†’ Y β†’ Y β†’ Y β†’ Y β†’ Y β†’ L β†’ X β†’ A β†’ X

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