
GTA Vice City: All cheats for PC and mobile phone (Android, iOS)

With the release of the GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition, you can also enter PC cheats in the revamped version of GTA 3, which also apply to the mobile phone versions of Android and iOS. At this point we will show you how you can enter and deactivate cheats and show you all the cheat codes with their key combinations and effects.

Enter & deactivate cheats (PC, Android, iOS)

In GTA Vice City you can enter cheats and in the PC version you just have to enter the corresponding cheat words from the lists below in the current game. In contrast to the PC cheats from GTA 3, this even works when you are in the pause menu. A message at the top left of the screen confirms that you have entered the cheat successfully.

In the mobile phone versions for Android and iOS you can display keyboards via keyboard apps or the menu screen and enter the words in this way. Alternatively, you can of course also connect a Bluetooth keyboard and type in the cheats more comfortably.

Important NOTE: Since activated cheats can prevent you from unlocking achievements and successes and your crime rating drops by 1000 points when you use cheats, you should save your game status before using cheats. If you want to save your game with activated cheats, you should definitely use a separate memory slot. The use of cheat codes, however, still allows 100% completion of the game.

How can you deactivate cheats? In GTA Vice City you can usually deactivate cheats by entering the corresponding cheat words again. However, once activated, two cheats cannot be undone for passers-by! It is all the more important that you save your game before using the cheats.

In the following we list you all cheat codes for the versions on PC and mobile phone (Android, iOS) with their keyboard shortcuts and effects.

All cheats for GTA Vice City (PC, Android, iOS)

Keyboard shortcut

Full life energy (if you are in a car, this will also be repaired) ASPIRINE full armor PRECIOUSPROTECTION weapon set # 1 (brass knuckles, baseball bat. Molotovs, pistol, shotgun, MP, assault rifle, sniper, flamethrower) THUGSTOOLS weapon set # 2 (katana, grenades , Revolver, shotgun, Uzi, assault rifle, sniper, rocket launcher) PROFESSIONALTOOLS weapon set # 3 (chainsaw, grenades, revolver, shotgun, MP, assault rifle, sniper, minigun) NUTTERTOOLS Increase the wanted level by 2 stars (reduce the level of the characters to 0 RANDOM NPC) STILLLIEKEDRESSINGUP Play as Candy Suxxx IWANTBIGTITS Play as Hilary King ILOOKLIKEHILARY Play as Ken Rosenberg MYSONISALAWYER Play as Lance Vance LOOKLIKELANCE Play as Dick (Love Fist) WELOVEOURDICK Play as Mercedes Jezz Torrent Play as MercedesLITTY CORTYLITTY as Mercedes CortROLIDMANX ONEARMEDBANDIT as Ricardo Diaz play CHEATSHAVEBEENCRACKED as Sonny Forelli play IDONTHAVETHEMONEYSONNY Tommy gets thin arms and legs PROGRAMMER Tommy gets big arms and legs DEEPFRIEDMARSBARS Tommy starts smoking a cigarette CERTAINDEATH passers-by attack the person in close proximity * FIGHTODYLIKMEs get all passers-by Weapons OURGODGIVENRIGHTTOBEARARMS Vercetti gang members become bikini girls with M4 assault rifles CHICKSWITHGUNS Female NPCs chase you FANNYMAGNET Suicide (Can be survived once with high life energy) ICANTTAKEITANYMORE Shows the media level CHASESTAT Panzer (Rhino Car) spawn GETTHEREFAST Hotring Racer # 1 (Nascar) spawn GETTHEREVERYFASTINDEED Hotring Racer # 2 (Nascar) spawn GETTHEREAMAZINGLYFAST Bloodring Banger # 1 (Destruction) spawn TRAVELINSTYLE Banger # 2 (Destruction) (Stretch limousine) spawn ROCKANDROLLCAR Trashmaster (garbage truck) spawn RUBBISHCAR Caddy (golf cart) spawn BETTERTHANWALKING Drivers are becoming more aggressive MIAMITRAFFIC All cars on the streets are black IWANTITPAINTEDBLACK All cars on the streets are pink AHAIRDRESSERSCAR All traffic lights are turning green explode BIGBANG vehicles can drive / hover over the water SEAWAYS vehicles can hover (low gravity) COMEFLYWITHME boats can hover (low gravity) AIRSHIP All vehicles become invisible (only driver and tires remain visible) WHEELSAREALLINEED monster cars (changes, among other things, tire size, maximum speed, Handling and acceleration of vehicles) LOADSOFLITTLETHINGS Improved driving behavior (more precise steering, no sliding and no loss of traction) & your vehicle jumps by honking GRIPISEVERYTHING NPCs get into your vehicle (does not work with Hunter, Pizza Boy, Feuerweh rauto, linerunner, skimmer or a boat) HOPINGIRL Increases the game speed (time lapse) ONSPEED Slows down the game speed (slow motion) BOOOOOORING Accelerates the in-game time LIFEISPASSINGMEBY clear & sunny weather ALOVELYDAY cloudy weather APLEASANTDAY cloudy weather APLEASANTDAY NAKED weather STORM DRITS CAN

* These cheats cannot be reversed. So don’t save the game with such cheats!

Where is the money cheat in GTA Vice City? Unlike in GTA 3, there is unfortunately no money cheat in Vice City.

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