It’s getting tight for Samsung: Europeans have a new smartphone favorite
Bitter numbers for Samsung: The electronics company can defend its place at the top in Europe, but has to accept heavy losses. One competitor is hot on the heels of the South Koreans – with impressive growth.
The numbers for that third quarter of 2021 are there and at least for Samsung things have looked better on the European smartphone market (source: Conterpoint Research).
European smartphone market: Samsung loses, Xiaomi wins
On one Market share of 30.4 percent was able to look back on Samsung in the past quarter. Compared to the same quarter of the previous year, that makes a difference big minus of 16 percent. And the comparison with the previous quarter is not very flattering either: the market researchers from Counterpoint Research report a decline of 6 percent here.
Completely different, however, Xiaomi: The Chinese manufacturers continue to surf the wave of success in Europe and was able to get one in the third quarter of 2021 Market share of 23.6 percent to back up. That alone is remarkable, after all, Xiaomi and Samsung are only about 7 percent apart. A look at the growth makes Xiaomi’s success even more impressive: Compared to the same quarter of the previous year, the electronics company, which offers many other products in addition to smartphones (see video below), a whopping 51 percent increase.
At least at the moment, Europeans can hardly get enough of Xiaomi smartphones.
Samsung is being grappled with on two sides
In addition to Xiaomi But Apple can also look back on a successful third quarter of 2021. The Californians increased their market share in Europe from 17.6 percent to more than 22.1 percent.
None of this is good news for Samsung. The manufacturer becomes current mangled from two sides. In the lower to medium price range, Xiaomi is putting pressure on it, while Apple is putting pressure on it in the premium sector. The upcoming Galaxy S22 must be a breakthrough.