
Minecraft: Players find a mysterious world after 10 years

Thousands of Minecraft players have teamed up to solve one of the game’s greatest mysteries. You finally want to climb the mountain shown in the picture for the standard texture pack. The seed required for this has now been found.

A Minecraft world becomes a celebrity

Minecraft fans have been trying to find the world from the “Pack.png” for years. This is that Image that is shown on the standard texture package. Even if almost every player has seen the mountain before, no one has managed to climb it in 10 years.

Now a group has found the seed for the world. For that, however, there is quite a bit of work as well as the Help from thousands of volunteers was necessary. The YouTuber “SalC1” explains exactly how the position of the mountain, and thus the whole world, could be discovered.

In short: based on the position of the clouds and individual blocks of earth and sand, many seeds could be excluded. The volunteers’ computers served as supercomputers to investigate the remaining variants in more detail, until finally the seed 3257840388504953787 as the winner.

How can you play in the world yourself?

To visit the world for yourself, you have to be in the Version Alpha 1.2.2 to play. Then you just have to move to the coordinates x = 49 and z = 0 and you will see the famous mountain. Here you can find a detailed tutorial on how to enter the seed.

Under the IP address “IP:“SalC1 also launched a Minecraft server so that players can explore the world of Pack.png together.

A group of Minecraft fans have managed to find the seed of a hidden world. That’s what they needed The computing power of thousands of volunteers. However, the team does not end there. Other obscure images, such as a painting in Minecraft, are already being investigated in order to make them accessible to every player in the future. What do you think of the discovery? Please write us in the comments.

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