
Monkey throws brick from second floor and kills man in India

The presence of monkeys in urban areas of India is common, as well as their theft of food or the break-in of houses.

The presence of monkeys in urban areas of India is common, as well as their theft of food or the break-in of houses.

Photo: Jean-Francois Monier / AFP / Getty Images

As if it were an episode of the program “A Thousand Ways to Die”, a man in his early 30s lost his life after receiving a blunt impact to the skull. The culprit was a monkey that threw a brick from the second floor, causing an accurate and fatal blow.

According to local press reports, the man, identified as Mohammad Kurbaan, suffered a serious injury and collapsed, for which he was rushed to hospital, where the doctors declared him dead.

During the investigation, Police discovered that the brick was thrown from a house owned by who identified himself as Omprakash Mishra. He told the uniformed that he had two bricks on top of the water tank so the monkeys couldn’t open it.

However, the animals managed to remove the bricks and throw them away. One of them stayed on the terrace, the other became a projectile that ended the life of Mohammad Kurbaan.

Although these types of events are not common, in various countries, including India, it has become a serious problem for monkeys to be loose in urban areas, as some are very aggressive and attacks occur frequently.

Apes are a species that like to be in control of groups, and although they appear to be docile when in captivity, they could be aggressive in packs.

According to specialists, Confinement in India due to the pandemic caused dozens of monkeys to invade residential complexes in cities such as Mumbai, so the behavior of the macaques became a problem for the inhabitants.

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