New World: Because of a lack of players, Amazon has to take drastic measures

At first, New World couldn’t save itself from players, but now that time seems to be over and that is having an impact. Amazon Games recently confirmed that they are responding to this by merging servers.
New World: The number of players is falling rapidly
After several delays, Amazon’s first attempt in the MMO genre appeared on September 28, 2021. At first it was a resounding success, so New World quickly shot up in the charts. The game’s popularity has now apparently declined again – This could be due to bugs like the gold doubling, which almost paralyzed the economy in the game.
With the 1.05 update, Amazon managed to fix some of the problems, but apparently it is on some servers to record a sharp decline in population. Now the group is reacting with the merger. The “New World” developer Kay announced in the official forum:
“Hello everyone, the merging of the worlds is imminent, but will require further testing before we are confident enough to use the technology on the live worlds. As you can imagine, given the first rocky weeks here, we are overly cautious.
Keep an eye out for an update from our community managers on this topic in the official news section. “
Is New World something for you? You can get an impression in the trailer:
Maybe you will get new tokens
Most of the fans in the forum respond positively to this message, but some players have theirs Token for a server transfer now practically wasted. This also includes forum user Kyriona.
“Is there any hope of a second transfer token for those of us who used the first to join friends and are now stuck on dead servers? I know it’s early, it’s only noon, but according to the New World database, there are only 167 people online on my server. More people are switching servers every day.
As annoying as the bugs and exploits are, I could handle them … but it’s hard to play a game like this when there aren’t many others to play with. “
It seems like these players are lucky, because developer Kay replied, that there is definitely hope.
(Source: New World Forum)
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