President of Mexico suffers “accident” on baseball field

At the beginning of his six-year term, López Obrador promised that he would promote the training of new baseball players, with the purpose that in 2024 there will be 60 or 80 Mexicans in the Big Top.
Photo: Hector Vivas / Getty Images
The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, has never hidden his love of baseballHis government even established programs to promote the practice of this sport. However, this time what caught the spotlight was his diamond injury.
According to the president himself, he narrated that suffered a muscle tear while playing baseball at Deportivo de la Alianza de Tranviarios in Mexico City.
Through a short 30 second video that he published on his social networks, he accompanied by a message where he stated: “I scored a run, I touched the ball down the first line, foul; little tear, I went back to hit, hit and another runner. Cheer up, Dodgers! “
In the replay you see when the ball touches towards first base and He appears to suffer the injury to the thigh of his leg. He also hit to make a hit and get to first base..
Since his arrival to the presidency, December 2018, it is estimated that his government has exceeded one billion pesos in favor of two sports that he considers central to his national project: baseball and boxing.
For this, the current administration installed two programs that operate outside the organic structure of the Mexican State, but are fed by the budget of the Ministry of Public Education (SEP): the Office of the President for the Promotion and Development of Baseball in Mexico (ProBeis ) and the National Boxing Commission (Conabox).
Even at the beginning of his six-year term, AMLO promised that he would promote the training of new baseball players in schools, with the purpose that by 2024 there will be 60 or 80 Mexicans playing in the Major Leagues.
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