
Syria: QRCS, OCHA support lifesaving therapeutic services

Syria: QRCS, OCHA support lifesaving therapeutic services

Doha: With support from the United Nations Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, the Qatar Red Crescent Society (QRCS) is completing the operational phase of the second half of a project to support life-saving therapeutic and preventative nutrition services in northwestern Syria (OCHA).

Over 100,000 direct beneficiaries, including 53,000 pregnant or breastfeeding mothers and 58,000 male and female children, are served by the project in 29 villages and camps of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the country’s northern regions.

Recruitment and training for eight fast response teams have already been completed, as has the first half of the implementation phase. One midwife, one nurse, one malnutrition therapist, two community health workers, and one data entry professional make up each team.

The project’s efforts began in collaboration with local authorities and humanitarian organisations operating in the targeted locations, which comprise 24 IDP camps in northwest Syria.

Its goal in northern Syria is to save lives and reduce vulnerability, mortality, and morbidity rates among small children, pregnant women, and breastfeeding mothers. This includes internally displaced persons (IDPs) and overburdened host communities.

The first step is to perform a community survey to identify malnutrition and cases of moderate/severe acute malnutrition. The detected cases are then given micronutrients and preventive nutritional supplements, and they are referred to specialised centres for treatment.

There are also health education initiatives on infant/child nutrition in emergencies, COVID-19, and other relevant health themes. This helps ensure the persistence of healthy and right nutritional behaviours long after the epidemic has ended, thanks to the use of interactive and engaging awareness-raising strategies.

Mobile fast reaction teams, made up of 44 health experts, were tasked with providing nutrition services. This was done in order to broaden the breadth of coverage and reach out to the most vulnerable communities in underserved rural areas.

Adjustments to nutrition programmes were made in light of the COVID-19 situation in order to reduce infection risks while assuring the continuance of life-saving nutrition services.

During the implementation of the project, all preventive measures recognised by the World Health Organization (WHO) are taken for Coronavirus control. To prevent the virus from spreading, structural alterations were made to the installation process. These modifications were developed in order to boost pandemic awareness in the most vulnerable locations, like IDP camps.

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