The Sultanate of Oman decides not to allow employees to enter their workplace without a certificate of vaccination against “Corona”

Today, Monday, the Omani Ministry of Health stated in a press conference that employees in the public and private sectors will not be allowed to enter their workplaces without a certificate stating that they have received two doses of an anti-Coronavirus vaccine approved in the Sultanate.
The Ministry of Labor issued a circular regarding dealing with employees of the state’s administrative apparatus units and other public legal persons, and workers in the private sector who did not have the (Covid-19) vaccine.
The circular requires every employee or worker to provide his employer with a certificate of vaccination (Covid 19), proving that he obtained two doses of one of the anti-Coronavirus vaccines approved in the Sultanate of Oman, or provide it with a medical report from the health institution proving the existence of health conditions that prevent him from receiving vaccinations.
The Ministry required employees to submit a certificate of vaccination for the (Covid-19) vaccine, or a medical report that proves the existence of health conditions that prevent a person from receiving one of the anti-virus vaccines.
The Ministry of Health called on everyone to take the booster dose against the “Covid-19” virus, especially those who have chronic diseases, the elderly, workers in the health sector and sectors that deal with individuals directly.