When is the earliest for the booster vaccination? Calculate the date for the 3rd vaccination online

Another difficult autumn and winter seems to be imminent. Not only the Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn recommends a booster vaccination for many who currently already have full vaccination protection. But when can you get the booster vaccination?
So that you don’t worry your head while doing the math, an online calculator answers the question of when you should get the third vaccination at the earliest.
Booster vaccination: make an appointment using the online calculator
In Germany everyone has the right to a booster vaccination. So you don’t have to belong to a risk group or a certain age group to be eligible for the “Booster”. But you don’t have to rush to the doctor or the nearest vaccination station immediately. The booster vaccination should give it at least six months after the second vaccination. Anyone who has only received one dose of “Johnson & Johnson” does not have to wait six months, but can come to a booster after the fourth week. An earlier refresher should only be given in exceptional cases and after consultation with a doctor. So that you don’t have to calculate and strain the calendar, you can do the Determine the earliest date for the third vaccination using the online calculator. There are various online services for this, which work on a similar principle:
Vaccination calculator at Vorarlberg Refreshment calculator Vienna Austria vaccinates
You can use the computer conveniently in the browser on your mobile phone or PC. If you no longer know exactly when your last vaccination appointment was, you can find the information in your digital vaccination certificate, for example in the Corona warning app. Go to your certificate. Below the QR code you will find the information “Vaccinated on …. “. Both the Corona warning app and the CovPass app can record the third vaccination in the digital vaccination pass.
When can I get the third corona vaccination? Calculate the date now
For the corresponding services you just have to specify when your last dose for full vaccination have received how old you are and with which vaccine you vaccinated became. You will then be shown the recommended, earliest date for the vaccination booster. Do not be surprised that the services are on Austrian websites. German refresh calculators are not yet to be found online. The conditions for the third vaccination are the same in both countries, so that you are entitled to a booster from the 6th month after the last corona vaccination.
More information on booster vaccinations is available on the website of the Federal Ministry of Health.
Of course, you don’t have to pay for the third vaccination either. The booster vaccination should be carried out with an mRNA vaccine, i.e. from Biontech or Moderna (for people over 30).