
Genshin Impact announces the superiority of the Chinese and threatens home platforms

China has begun to pay great attention to the field of electronic games, after it was banned for many years. Many successful Chinese experiences have emerged recently, including the Genshin Impact game.

The game comes with an excellent experience, especially for fans of anime series and movies. It also has a beautifully designed open world. The game was launched a relatively short time ago, specifically in September 2020, a period in which the world was suffering from a severe closure due to the Corona virus.

And as the developers of Genshin Impact celebrated its first year, they announced that the game had generated amazing revenue. This is because the game has revenue of two billion US dollars. In fact, the game’s success was visible from day one, with the game generating $100 million in revenue in its first two weeks.

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According to the latest reports, Genshin Impact has generated this revenue on the smartphone platform alone. This success has also made it the third highest-grossing game.

29% of the revenue comes from the Chinese market. While the Japanese market achieves 24% of the revenue, which is a natural security because it mimics the technical body of anime works. On the other hand, American players made up 21% of the game’s revenue.

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Genshin Impact and Chinese Superiority in Games

she gave the game A clear example of the current Chinese supremacy in the field of electronic games. This is clearly seen in the smartphone versions of the game, which can be described as the best game ever made for smartphones.

A recent statistic revealed the revenues of the smart phone games sector, which exceeded 80 billion US dollars for the past year 2020. Interestingly, these revenues are close to the revenues of PC games and home consoles, which amounted to 37 and 45 billion US dollars, respectively.

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Perhaps the emergence of smartphones in the gaming market has threatened home gaming platforms for many years. However, these markets continued to survive, in an article on the growing growth of the smartphone game market.

The Chinese development team, MiHoYo, has had great success with Genshin Impact, which has been released for PC and game consoles as well. It is worth noting that it is free.

However, such a successful experience may pose a risk to the gaming market in general. This is because game developers may prefer to later work on developing their games exclusively for smartphones, which will hit home gaming platforms in a kill.

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