The competent authorities referred 219 people to the Public Prosecution for not complying with the preventive and precautionary measures in force in the country to limit the spread of the Coronavirus. The list of those referred to the prosecution included 196 people who did not adhere to wear a mask in the public and 23 people who did not adhere to the safe distance. The Ministry of Interior informed about this on their Twitter account.
وزارة الداخلية: إحالة 219 شخصا للنيابة المختصة لمخالفتهم الإجراءات الوقائية والاحترازية المعمول بها في الدولة للحد من انتشار #فيروس_كورونا (كوفيد-19) pic.twitter.com/uNLlWAacrf
— صحيفة العرب – قطر (@AlArab_Qatar) August 16, 2021
This procedure is based on the decision of the distinguished Council of Ministers and Decree-Law No. (17) of 1990 regarding infectious diseases, and the preventive and precautionary measures in force in the country to limit the spread of the Coronavirus (Covid-19).
The competent authorities appealed to the honourable public to adhere to the precautionary and preventive decisions in force in order to preserve their safety and the safety of others from the spread of the Coronavirus in society.