
Twitter adds new options to Carousel ads

announced Twitter platform about an update to ads Carousel, while also examining some ad measurement and reach options as part of an overview of how they are adapting to new changes in Internet privacy, and the ability to target ads as a result.

Carousel ads help marketers reach new audiences and direct people to their website or app with multiple images or videos, all under one ad.

The major update is the new option to add custom titles and landing pages in each Carousel ad frame, which provides more options for creating responsive ads for changing audiences within a single campaign.

“With multi-destination Carousels, advertisers can now customize headlines and landing pages to help target appropriate actions for their audiences,” the platform said.

She added: Advertisers have more flexibility to diversify their message by using unique URLs and URLs for each Carousels. With just a swipe, people can interact with multiple photos or videos and tap to reach different destinations.

This provides more room to use a different ad creative in a single campaign, while highlighting specific features or use cases to help expand the appeal.

It can also help with targeting segmentation, where each click highlights the specific elements of interest to each user, helping to categorize responses.

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Twitter previews upcoming ad updates

The platform said it has been testing the new option for the past few months. Experimental advertisers saw a 25% increase in click-through rates for campaigns that improve site traffic conversions, compared to single-origin ads.

In addition, Twitter also plans to provide more options to help increase ad campaigns for website clicks. including:

  • Site visit optimization: An optimized purchase model designed to find and display ads to audiences who are most likely to visit the advertiser’s site.
  • Ad formats: Identifies opportunities to improve interaction with ads through usability updates, format details, and calls to action.
  • Measurement and Reporting: Effectively testing and building measurement and beta solutions for a privacy-protected future of online advertising products.

The platform is also improving its ad tools for app installation, with this new look among several updates being tested. App install campaigns may soon include a new overlay format that enables viewers to install the app right away.

Twitter is also working on updated optimization models to target app installs and new post-install products such as improving in-app purchases. Which allows advertisers to run campaigns focused on finding people who are more likely to make in-app purchases.

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