
Google updates its search engine to offer more human answers


The company that has become one of the main search engines around the world, that’s right, we are talking about Google, it keeps improving its search engine so that it better understands what we are asking it and that way it does not return results with some mentions of what we are looking for, but answers to what we really want to know.

Google presented a series of novelties related to search of content, in which he highlighted the new algorithm named MUM, who will be Bert’s successor introduced in 2019, and which is a thousand times bigger in complexity and size, as well as process visual data and a trained text in 75 different languages.

This new algorithm is expected can give results with more context, so we could see it within the next few months, by showing more relevant content than what is being searched. It is undoubtedly something that we have seen in recent years, as Google sends us results directly showing the answer without having to enter the websites from which it has been obtained.

search human answers google algorithm

MUM is the new search algorithm | Source: Pixabay

One of the aspects of MUM is that It will also improve searches in videos, since Google will identify the essential parts of a video to show us the exact moment in which it talks about what we have interest, or even the chapters generated automatically on the subject, a clear example would be the steps of a recipe or different goals within a game.

Although this sounds something innovative for Google and its users in terms of more accurate search results, there are some repercussions in this, since the main affected will be the web pages from which Google takes the information and it offers it, since in this way they will automatically lose visits.


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