Further updates, improvements and free DLC not until 2022 PLAY3.DE – PS5 News, PS4, PSVR – tests, previews, videos

It seems that Cyberpunk 2077 won’t be releasing any major updates or enhancements this year. The roadmap has been adjusted.
From a commercial point of view, “Cyberpunk 2077” was a great success. In the first few months, however, it was mainly the catastrophic state on the consoles that made headlines. Due to the necessary improvements, the subsequent schedule was greatly mixed up.
The once planned multiplayer component is haunted only through the rumor mill. And the versions for PS5 and Xbox Series X / S have also been postponed to the coming year.
Updates and improvements will not be available until 2022
But also other updates and the planned free DLCs hit it in the meantime. On the official website A new roadmap has been released for the game, which is different from the version that was seen a few days ago. In the new version it is pointed out that “Updates, improvements and free DLC” will not be released until 2022.
The previously postponed new-gen upgrade for consoles will be made available in the first quarter, which runs from January 1 to March 31, 2022 – well over a year after the game’s debut for PS4 and Xbox One.
In the version of the “Cyberpunk 2077” roadmap, which was shown just a few days ago, there was talk of “several updates and improvements”, free download extensions and the free console upgrade to appear this year. The latter was a few days ago officially catapulted into the coming year, which also applies to the new-gen version of “The Witcher 3”. You can compare the two roadmaps below:
It is not clear from the roadmap update why the content was moved. However, the studio recently announced on Twitter that the new gen updates for “Cyberpunk 2077” and “The Witcher 3” were delayed because there were “recommendations from the teams”. That said, the developers don’t seem to think that releasing it anytime soon would be an advantage.
Update of the test build
As Tyler McVicker notes on Twitter, the roadmap update seems to come along with a pretty big update to the game’s internal test build. Entries in the SteamDB suggest this. It is unclear what that could mean. But it looks like the studio may be testing some new things.
More about Cyberpunk 2077:
With “Cyberpunk 2077”, CD Projekt had a rather bumpy launch at the end of 2020. On the one hand, the console versions for PS4 and Xbox One were in poor shape. And on the other hand, testers only received the much more sophisticated PC version before the launch, which led to the accusation that CD Projekt wanted to disguise the status on consoles until the sale was successful.
A little later “Cyberpunk 2077” was banned from PlayStation Store and affected Players could request refunds.

More messages too Cyberpunk 2077.
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