
Kidney transplant denied to Colorado woman for not getting vaccinated against covid-19

Care at a medical facility in Colorado.

Care at a medical facility in Colorado.

Photo: Michael Ciaglo / Getty Images

Attached to her faith, Leilani lutali, a 56-year-old Christian convert, said that would not be vaccinated against covid-19 for the role played by mother cells in the development of vaccines, even if it suffers stage 5 kidney disease which is life-threatening for her if she does not receive a kidney transplant.

His story, picked up by The Associated Press, is about the hard decision that put her face to face with her health problems and its religious beliefs.

The woman of Colorado She assured: “As a Christian, I cannot support anything that has to do with the abortion of babies, and for me the sanctity of life is inestimable.”

And it is that receivers of organs transplanted They must be vaccinated because they are at high risk of contracting COVID-19 and, because of their vulnerability, of being hospitalized for it or even dying, said UCHealth health care system spokesman Dan Weaver in Colorado.

Additionally, unvaccinated donors also could transmit the serious disease, even if they have initially tested negative for a diagnostic test.

Consulted by the press agency, the American Hospital Association (AHA) –Which brings together almost 5,000 hospitals, health care systems and networks throughout the country, he assured that transplant programs insist that patients are vaccinated due to the weakened state of their immune systems.

What’s more, any surgery can leave any patient’s immune system vulnerable, but organ recipients are at higher risk from the powerful drug regimen they lead to suppress the system and thus prevent their bodies from rejecting the new organ, as added the AHA vice president for quality policy and patient safety, Nancy Foster.

Read more:
* What to say to those who still doubt whether to get vaccinated or not?


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